Auto Hail Repair Referrals
At Dent Headquarters, we truly believe that word of mouth is truly the best way to grow our business.
And we also believe that you should be rewarded for passing on our name to others!
That’s why we’ve created a referral rewards that gives you cold, hard cash for every auto hail repair customer you send to our Plano shop. Here’s how to earn a Dent Headquarters referral bonus:
Dent Dollars
When we complete your car or truck repair, we’ll give you Dent Dollars to hand out to your friends and family as well as a link to print more if needed.
Expert Hail Repair
Now, instead of not knowing who to turn to after a hail storm, the Dent Dollars in their wallet will tell them exactly where to go. When they drop off a vehicle for repair at Dent Headquarters, they’ll give us the ticket and mention your name.
Your Money
After the repair is done and the bill is paid, we’ll let you know that there’s $100 with your name on it ready and waiting in our office. All you have to do is stop by and pick it up.
That’s easy money just for doing something you would have done anyway!