Job Opportunities

“PDR Techs” and “PDR Sales Representatives” needed to join an automotive repair shop specialized in hail repair services.

BMW car with a white overlay

"PDR Techs" and "PDR Sales Representatives"

  • The applicant needs to have a minimum of 5 years’ experience as the "PDR Techs" and "PDR Sales Representatives" in a similar type of business.
  • Candidate must have experience in automotive body, assembling and disassembling vehicles, bumper repairs, paint correction, welding, replacing automotive windshields, and automotive collision repair.

To apply, please send a resume with cover letter to:

Dent Headquarters

11102 Ortega St. Frisco TX - 75035

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147 Lloyd's Rd #420, Little Elm, TX 75068
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(972) 848-1000